[77], The coalition has pledged to use direct democracy via referendum. È stato il simbolo di una Nazionale e di un'Italia, unita e tenace, … Dal Pd altolà a Renzi: no alternative al voto Di Maio: Premier sarà un amico del popolo", "M5s e Lega da Mattarella. They also intend to promote a circular economy for a sustainable waste management based on enhanced recycling and regeneration.
En décembre 2018, l'ouverture d'une procédure de sanction à l'égard de l'Italie est alors justifiée par l'Union européenne pour ces manquements[12]. Mi sembra solo buonsenso", "Italy 'to shut ports' to boat carrying over 600 refugees", "Migranti, l'Italia sfida Malta. However, he held only informal consultations with the President on 29 and 30 May, awaiting the possible formation of a "political government". [23][24][25] Despite reports in the media suggesting that President Mattarella had significant reservations about the direction of the new government,[26] Conte was invited at the Quirinal Palace to receive the presidential mandate to form a new cabinet on May 23. Il Carroccio sorpassa Forza Italia", "Italy's populist parties given 24 hours to avert fresh elections", "Governo M5S-Lega, Berlusconi: nessun veto all'intesa ma no alla fiducia", "Italy's populist 5 Star, League parties reach deal on government program", "Giuseppe Conte, un giurista per governo del cambiamento. [20] Both parties announced they would ask their respective members to vote on the government agreement by the following weekend. The centre-left coalition, built around the Democratic Party (PD) led by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, came third. [27][28] In his statement after the appointment, Conte said that he would be the "defense attorney of Italian people". [55], Conte announced his resignation on August 20, 2019, averting a no-confidence vote promoted by Matteo Salvini. [46] On June 6, the government was confirmed following the vote of confidence in the Chamber of Deputies. Salvini: chiudiamo i porti", "Malta and Spain offer safe port to stranded migrant ship", "Italy to compile 'register' of Roma people: Matteo Salvini", "Matteo Salvini wants Gypsy census in Italy", "Far-right Italy minister vows 'action' to expel thousands of Roma", "Salvini shock: "Censimento sui rom, quelli italiani purtroppo ce li dobbiamo tenere". [62], The parties pledged to increase the public awareness about environmental issues and enforce measures of prevention and maintenance of the environment in order to mitigate the risk related to landslides, hydrogeology and floods. Conte: "Basta business dei migranti, daspo per corrotti e corruttori", "Conte: tasse eque, salario minimo e giù debito con la crescita", "Comunicazioni del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri. The parties intend to cut the pensions and annuities of members of the Parliament, regional councillors and those employed by constitutional bodies. This is "Intervento di Liliana Segre al Senato per la fiducia al Governo Conte 5 giugno 2018" by ANPI on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the… It was led by Giuseppe Conte , an independent , and it was in office from 1 June 2018 to 5 September 2019. [36][37] Cottarelli was expected to submit his list of ministers for approval to President Mattarella on 29 May. At its birth, the government was also supported by the Associative Movement Italians Abroad (MAIE), five deputies and two senators previously expelled from the M5S, one dissident senator from the South American Union Italian Emigrants (USEI)[12] who later joined the MAIE and one deputy of Forza Italia (FI) who sarcastically voted in favour of it. Conte a Salvini: "Il governo finisce qui" "Caro ministro, caro Matteo, se vuoi la crisi ritira i ministri", dice con fermezza Conte. Replacing in the second selection original candidate Mauro Coltorti (M5S). [78], The parties have pledged to reform the public health system to minimize inefficiencies and wastefulness of resources. The Conte I Cabinet was the 65th cabinet of the Italian Republic. By governo Conte, Davide Piacenza davidepiacenza.it — (foto: Amin Moshrefi/Unsplash)Sono passati più di due mesi da quando «Mattia», il cosiddetto «paziente 1» di Codogno, portava suo malgrado lo spettro del coronavirus in Italia (in realtà è un dato ormai molto probabile che il patogeno si trovasse alle nostre latitudini già da dicembre, a voler essere precisi). In tutto 39 sottosegretari e 6 viceministri", "Giurano i sottosegretari. Di Maio: "Conte premier di governo politico". [62] During his speech before the investiture vote in the Italian Senate on 5 June, Conte announced his willingness to reduce illegal immigration and increase the contrast to human traffickers and smugglers. [68] The policy document calls for the deportation of Italy's estimated 500,000 undocumented immigrants "as a priority". Press alt + / to open this menu Di Maio-Salvini: "Ci sono le condizioni per un governo politico". Conte II Cabinet regional composition map.png 2,000 × 2,300; 240 KB Giulio Calvisi daticamera.jpg 165 × 228; 62 KB Giuramento Governo Conte II.jpg 3,543 × 2,362; 1.81 MB Tria all'Economia", "Nasce il governo Conte. #politica #italia #italy #salvini #lega #governo #politics #news…” Furthermore, the parties intend to promote the national productions within the trading treaties between the European Union and other countries and to protect the Made in Italy brand through proper labeling. Presentata a Mattarella la lista dei ministri. Ora al lavoro alla Camera. La composizione del governo Conte bis confrontata con il precedente governo Conte: il PD ha 9 ministri mentre la Lega ne aveva 7. [21][22], On 21 May, private law professor and M5S advisor Giuseppe Conte was proposed by Di Maio and Salvini for the role of Prime Minister. The cabinet was formed by a coalition between the Five Star Movement and the League, but it also contained some independents proposed by each party (including the Prime Minister). [56] On 23 May, Conte was invited to the Quirinal Palace to receive the presidential mandate to form a new cabinet. The Conte I Cabinet was the 65th cabinet of the Italian Republic. They also pledged to reduce the waiting times for a specialist visit or for emergency care in public hospitals. Giuseppe Conte (f. 8. ágúst 1964) er ítalskur lögfræðingur og stjórnmálamaður sem er 58. og núverandi forsætisráðherra Ítalíu. [34][35] On the same day, the PD announced that it would abstain from voting the confidence to Cottarelli while the M5S, the League, FI and the Brothers of Italy (FdI) announced that they would have voted against. [54] Senators for life Elena Cattaneo, Mario Monti and Liliana Segre abstained while senators for life Carlo Rubbia, Renzo Piano and Giorgio Napolitano did not vote. [48][49][50][51] Of all these appointments, 25 were M5S members, 17 League members, two non-party independents and one member of the Associative Movement Italians Abroad (MAIE). Si teme per l'economia", "Il governo populista M5S -Lega non convince i media stranieri", "La Lega sovranista di Salvini non è quella federalista e liberista di Miglio", "Il matrimonio inevitabile tra sovranismo e statalismo", "Estate sovranista di Salvini e Di Maio, il nuovo potere che abbraccia il vecchio", "Si rafforzano i numeri di Conte al Senato, tocca quota 171 sì", "Meloni: «Astensione sulla fiducia, ma voteremo i provvedimenti buoni»", "Governo Conte, i numeri dei voti di fiducia: la maggioranza senza pensieri (anche grazie a ex M5s e sudamericani)", "Elezioni 2018: M5S primo partito, nel centrodestra la Lega supera FI", "Elezioni politiche: vincono M5s e Lega. 2016 Copyright LA7 S.p.A - P.IVA 12391010159 Licenza SIAE 3344/I/3215. [19], On 13 May, the M5S and the League reached an agreement on a government program, however they did not find an agreement regarding their proposal for the Prime Minister and the Ministers. [43][44] On 1 June, Prime Minister Conte and his ministers took their oaths of office and were sworn in. Nell'estate del 1982 con i suoi gol ha regalato un sogno a intere generazioni. [70] The following day, the ships Aquarius and SOS Méditerranée that were requesting to dock at an Italian port to disembark the rescued migrants were turned away by Italy and Malta. As customary, the premier-designate reserved the right to accept the mandate, pending further talks with both parties. Riccardo Fraccaro, a M5S long time advocate of such votes, became the world's first Minister for Direct Democracy, advocating a lowering of the 50% participation quorum for referendum to be valid and the introduction of citizens' initiatives for new laws. With delegation to publishing and information, and to the policies aimed at the reconstruction of earthquake areas. [72], On 18 June 2018, Salvini announced the government would conduct a census of Romani people in Italy for the purpose of deporting all who are not in the country legally. M5S: "Il Colle ha posto veto su Savona". The government is also supported by the National Movement for Sovereignty, the Sardinian Action Party and the Italian Liberal Party (whose senators sit in the League group). [58], On August 29, Mattarella tasked Conte with the formation of a new cabinet, a coalition of Five Star Movement and Democratic Party. E i dem: manifestazione nazionale a Roma il 1° giugno", "Incontro informale in corso tra Cottarelli e MattarellaI tre scenari possibili", "Governo, Cottarelli vede Mattarella. as "souverainist".[8][9][10][11]. [15], The March 2018 general election resulted in a hung parliament. Ci penserò, "Pd, Martina: "Fiducia a Cottarelli". [52] The M5S received four deputy ministers while the League received two. Crollo del Partito democratico. Immigrati regolari non hanno nulla da temere. Le differenze tra il governo Conte 1 e il governo Conte 2 LA7 Il leader leghista: "Torniamo al voto", "Governo, Carlo Cottarelli convocato al Colle lunedì mattina", "Cottarelli accetta l'incarico: "Senza fiducia il Paese al voto dopo agosto, "Berlusconi: "No alla fiducia e centrodestra unito al voto". Renzi: "Salviamo il Paese". Small-scale agriculture and fishing should also be protected and the typical and traditional local productions should be safeguarded. Ora il governo è al completo (11 donne su 65)", "Governo Conte, le nomine di 39 sottosegretari e 6 viceministri", "La squadra di governo è completa: tutte le nomine fatte da Lega e M5s", "Lega-M5S: Di Maio si tiene le telecomunicazioni", "Legislatura 18ª - Aula - Resoconto stenografico della seduta n. 009 del 05/06/2018", "Resoconto stenografico dell'Assemblea Seduta n. 12 di mercoledì 6 giugno 2018 (Definitivo)", "Italy's Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, Resigns, Turning Chaos Into Uncertainty", "Italy's president accepts Conte's resignation, calls for consultations", "Italy's president gives parties to Tuesday to build majority", Italian Companies and Exchange Commission, "Contratto per il Governo del Cambiamento", "Governo alla prova. [69], On 10 June 2018, Salvini announced the closure of Italian ports, stating that "everyone in Europe is doing their own business, now Italy is also raising its head. [29] The next day, Conte held talks with all the parliamentary parties, but the government formation was soon stuck on the appointment of Paolo Savona as Minister of Economy and Finance, which was unfavoured by President Mattarella,[30] who considered his alleged support for Italy's covert exit from the Euro as an overwhelming risk for the country's economy. Riparte la trattativa giallo-verde", "Di Maio: "Impeachment non più sul tavolo". After the 2018 general election the Five Star Movement (M5S), which had come first in the election, and the League agreed to form a coalition government led by Giuseppe Conte, the Conte I Cabinet. The government contract features the digitalization of the public health system, enhanced transparency, improved governance in the pharmaceutical sector, centralization of purchases, fight against corruption, new procedures for the accreditation of private clinics, implementation of tele-medicine and improvement of home care. Owners Hans & Midori Schroder have been on the property since 1989. [67] Salvini laid out a three-point program to contrast illegal immigration, including increasing the number of repatriation centers, reducing immigration and increasing deportations of those who don't qualify for asylum. [17], On 9 May, after weeks of political deadlock and failing attempts to form a cabinet, including possible M5S–Centre-right and M5S–PD coalitions, Di Maio and Salvini officially requested President Sergio Mattarella to concede them 24 hours more to strike a government agreement between their two parties. They also plan to devote special attention to the issues raised by climate change and pollution. Verifica governo, Conte avvia colloqui: M5S prova a stoppare il rimpasto Tutti a carte semi-scoperte, in attesa del redde rationem tra e . Governo Conte (dal 01/06/2018 al 04/09/2019) XVIII Legislatura [66], The coalition's immigration policy is led by Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, a strong opponent of illegal immigration. Senato della Repubblica – seduta del 5 giugno 2018. Sections of this page. 18 Likes, 0 Comments - hashtag • il • baffo (@peppe_conte.gale_dorian) on Instagram: “.la sintesi 20.08.2019. The government is supported and most of its members are provided by the two following parties. Stark-Condé Wines is a boutique winery located in the heart of the picturesque Jonkershoek Valley. [56] The same day, President of Italy Sergio Mattarella accepted Conte's resignation and announced consultations with party leaders for the next two days. [62], The coalition intends to promote a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union in a way that supports the Italian agriculture, but at the same time protects landscape and water resources and guarantees food safety. Governo, Renzi: «Conte chieda scusa o sarà crisi». Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Governo Conte" topic with Google News. [73][74][75] However, this measure was criticized as unconstitutional and was attacked by the opposition and also by some members of the M5S.[76]. E si riapre l'ipotesi di un governo Lega-M5s", "Lega-5Stelle, intesa sui ministri. Fraccaro sottosegretario alla presidenza dopo lite tra il premier e il capo politico M5S The parties envisioned a health system mostly supported by the fiscal system, with minimal contribution from the patients. [63][64][65] Conte also proposed to lift off the international sanctions against Russia. [71] On the following day, Spain accepted the passengers of the Aquarius. [57] On August 22, Mattarella said some parties were trying to form "a solid majority" and he gave these political parties until August 27 to report back to him, after which he would hold two more days of consultations. Resoconto stenografico", "Italy diverges with Western European allies and voices support for Russia after populist party takes power", "The Torchbearer of Italy's Far Right is Now in Power and Wants to Make Good on Anti-Migrant Promises", "La mia linea d'azione da ministro: aumentare numero centri rimpatri, in modo che immigrati stiano dentro e non girino per le città facendo confusione, ridurre numero sbarchi e aumentare numero espulsioni. The parties pledged to guarantee the quality of public water in all the municipalities by improving the water transport network, minimizing the leaks and replacing old pipelines that may still contain asbestos and lead. Governo, Conte annuncia i ministri: Gualtieri all'Economia, Lamorgese all'Interno, Di Maio agli Esteri. [18] In the evening, Silvio Berlusconi publicly announced that Forza Italia (FI) would not support a M5S–League government on a vote of confidence, but it would still maintain the centre-right alliance nonetheless, thus opening the door to a possible majority government between the two parties. Savona resigned to become President of the, Minister of Education, University and Research, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Minister for Parliamentary Relations and Direct Democracy, "New prime minister sworn in to lead populist Italian government", "Italy: Conte to lead 'government of change, "M5S and League agree contract for Italy's 'government of change, "IItaly's New Government Is Steve Bannon's Dream Come True", "Il governo è giallo-blu (non giallo-verde) e 'legastellato'. [62], The parties intend to practically implement the result of the 2011 referendum on public water, which resulted in the repeal of the law allowing the privatization of water services. Centrodestra prima coalizione. Finally, the parties plan to arrest land consumption through strategies of urban renewal, retrofit of private and public buildings and infrastructure, with increase of energy efficiency and the promotion of distributed energy generation. They intend to promote a green economy and support research, innovation and training for ecology-related employment to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the industry and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. Ma Salvini: "Alleanza con Fi? [38][39] Meanwhile, Di Maio and Salvini announced their willingness to restart negotiations to form a "political" government and Giorgia Meloni (FdI leader) gave them her support. [41][42] Subsequently, President Mattarella summoned for the second time Conte, who announced the list of ministers. [45] On June 5, the Italian Senate approved the new government in a vote of confidence. [62], Environment, green economy and circular economy. Alfonso Bonafede Giuseppe Conte Governo Conte 2 MES Movimento 5 Stelle Articolo Precedente “Tra 15 giorni probabilmente tutta Italia sarà in zona gialla”: le parole del ministro Boccia Salvini: "Interesse italiani al centro, "Chi è Giuseppe Conte, scelto da Luigi Di Maio per la possibile squadra di governo", "Italy populist government pact: Candidate for prime minister named", "Italian president in talks as populist parties put forward novice for PM", "Italy's Populists Move Closer to Power, With Little-Known Pick for Prime Minister", "The Latest: Populists' premier gets presidential mandate", "Conte giunto al Quirinale per l'incarico", "Governo, Mattarella conferisce a Conte l'incarico: "Sarò l'avvocato difensore degli italiani", "Italy president under pressure to accept euroskeptic minister", "Italy PM-designate Conte gives up bid for government", "Dichiarazione del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella al termine del colloquio con il professor Giuseppe Conte", "Governo, Conte rimette l'incarico. The cabinet was formed by a coalition between the Five Star Movement and the League , but it also contained some independents proposed by each party (including the Prime Minister).
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