regno di sardegna 1848

I: 24 marzo 1848--11 aprile 1849. 313 págs., Società Editrice Il Mulino (Bologna 1974); A. C. JEMOLO, La questione della proprietà ecclesiastica nel regno di Sardegna e nel regno d'ltalia (1848-1888), 1 vol. 6. Before the Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica, the Archons (ἄρχοντες) or, in Latin, judices,[13][14] who reigned in the island from the 9th or 10th century until the beginning of the 11th century, can be considered real kings of all Sardinia (Κύριε βοήθε ιοῦ δού λού σου Tουρκοτουρίου ἅρχωντοσ Σαρδινίας καί τής δού ληςσου Γετιτ[15]),[16][17] even though nominal vassals of the Byzantine emperors. In 534 AD it was reconquered by the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. The first could not reunify the island under his rule, despite years of war against the other Sardinian judges, and he finally concluded a peace treaty with them in 1172. I liberali : non volevano una rivoluzione popolare ma l’unificazione sotto la guida del Regno di Sardegna. From inside the book . Bandiera_Regno_di_Sardegna_1848_1851_con_corona.PNG ‎ (600 × 600 pixels, file size: 32 KB, MIME type: image/png) In the reaction after Napoleon, the country was ruled by conservative monarchs: Victor Emmanuel I (1802–21), Charles Felix (1821–31) and Charles Albert (1831–49), who fought at the head of a contingent of his own troops at the Battle of Trocadero, which set the reactionary Ferdinand VII on the Spanish throne. But many revolts exploded throughout the peninsula, especially in southern Italy, and on the island of Sicily, because of the perceived unfair treatment of the south by the Piedmontese ruling class. Garibaldi was disappointed in this development, as well as in the loss of his home province, Nice, to France. 56–96, Crónica del califa 'Abd ar-Rahmân III an-Nâsir entre los años 912–942,(al-Muqtabis V), édicion. errors of 1848-1849, prophesying they would do better next time. The campaign which opened with such high expectations in 1848 ended with the Austrian occupation of Lomellina simulated Charles Albert to hasten his reform program, removing many of the restrictions on the press. Regno di Sardegna; Regno di Sardegna. dukes of Savoy who in 1720 acquired the island of Sardinia and the title of king, their capital Turin, Martin, George. Le relazioni diplomatiche fra l'Austria e il Regno di Sardegna IIIa serie 1848-1860. On March 23, ", Romani, Roberto. The Savoy-led Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia was thus the legal predecessor of the Kingdom of Italy, which in turn is the predecessor of the present-day Italian Republic.[11]. re-established Venetian republic, in the east. Since then the archipelago has been a part of the Sardinian region. Risorgimento. [28] The institutions and laws of the Kingdom were quickly extended to all of Italy, abolishing the administrations of the other regions. Rome: Instituto storica italiano per l'eta moderna e contemporanea, 1961. jgc revised this file Following the restoration of Austrians for terms. The neo-Guelph program maintained that the pope could simultaneously serve as the temporal A constitution, the Statuto Albertino, was enacted in the year of revolutions, 1848 under liberal pressure. In Turin as well as Milan Charles Albert's leadership and even his commitment to the national cause were Victor Emanuel kept his father's statuto and nourished his nationalist and expansionist sentiments. Impostu a òbligu de lege cun Boginu – Limba Sarda 2.0". Under the leadership of the House of Savoy and its ministers, Piedmont-Sardinia played a key role in the Risorgimento and the first war of Italian independence, 1848-1849. In 1814, the Crown of Savoy enlarged its territories with the addition of the former Republic of Genoa, now a duchy, and it served as a buffer state against France. The Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica retained its separate character as part of the Crown of Aragon and was not merely incorporated into the Kingdom of Aragon. The exchange was formally ratified in the Treaty of The Hague of 17 February 1720. The Judicate of Arborea, the only Sardinian state that remained independent of foreign domination, proved far more difficult to subdue. Hearder, Harry. After the union of the crowns of Aragon and Castile, Sardinia became a part of the burgeoning Spanish Empire. Find products from magFlags at low prices. Redazione; 30 Marzo 2020; Tutti i giorni della Sardegna; 4 marzo 1848. Of these sovereigns, only two names are known: Turcoturiu and Salusiu (Tουρκοτουριου βασιλικου προτοσπαθαριου [18] και Σαλουσιου των ευγενεστατων άρχωντων),[19][20] who probably ruled in the 10th century. 12 Aug . announced in an Allocution that he would not wage war upon Catholic Austria, encouraging Ferdinand II The defeat of the local kingdoms, communes and signorie, the firm Aragonese (later Spanish) rule, the introduction of a sterile feudalism, as well as the discovery of the Americas, provoked an unstoppable decline of the Kingdom of Sardinia. This alarmed Napoleon, who feared a strong Savoyard state on his south-eastern border and he insisted that if the Kingdom of Sardinia were to keep the new acquisitions they would have to cede Savoy and Nice to France. In 1799 the Austr… Bibliografia• Alberto Mario Banti, Il Risorgimento italiano,Roma – Bari, Laterza, 2004• Giovanni Sabbatucci – Vittorio Vidotto, Storia contemporanea. at the opening of the nineteenth century was more French than Italian. Italy. ", Schena, Olivetta. Later, the title of King of Sardinia was granted by the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to Barisone II of Arborea[23] and Enzio of Sardinia. In 1353, Arborea waged war on Aragon. What people are saying - Write a review. "The role played by towns in parliamentary commissions in the kingdom of Sardinia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. a cura de P. CHALMETA – F. CORRIENTE, Madrid, 1979, p. 365 "Tuesday, August 24th 942 (A.D.), a messenger of the Lord of the island of Sardinia appeared at the gate of al-Nasir ... asking for a treaty of peace and friendship. They later submitted to the Romans (c. 220 BC), who founded several colonies there including Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) and Eporedia (Ivrea). 75–76, Wells, H. G., Raymond Postgate, and G. P. Wells. The Romans ruled the island until the middle of the 5th century when it was occupied by the Vandals, who had also settled in north Africa. Fuit Mugietus reversus in Sardineam, et cepit civitatem edificare ibi atque homines Sardos vivos in cruce murare. Gioberti, in league with the radical national political club of Turin, called upon the king to Il Risorgimento italiano, 1831- 1848 1. Blasco Ferrer Eduardo, Crestomazia Sarda dei primi secoli, collana Officina Linguistica, Ilisso, Nuoro, 2003, Boscolo Alberto, La Sardegna bizantina e alto giudicale, Edizioni Della TorreCagliari 1978. After the sale of the remaining territories for 100,000 gold florins to the Judicate of Arborea in 1420, the "Kingdom of Sardinia" extended throughout the island, except for the city of Castelsardo (at that time called Casteldoria or Castelgenovese), which had been stolen from the Doria in 1448. In 1720, the island was ceded by the Habsburg and Bourbon claimants to the Spanish throne to the Duke of Savoy Victor Amadeus II. Eventually, King Charles Albert adopted the "revolutionary" Italian tricolor, surmounted by the Savoyard shield, as his flag. In appendice: Statuto fondamentale del Regno di Sardegna (1848); Costituzione della Repubblica romana (1849) ecc. The former did not come to pass until 1946. K. PERTZ, in MGH, Scriptores, 19,Hannoverae, 1861/1963, pp. Cesare Balbo observed that their country never concluded permanent peace with Austria, but only signed truces Pope Benedict VIII also requested aid from the maritime republics of Pisa and Genoa in the struggle against the Arabs.[12]. He died in 1272 without direct recognized heirs after a detention of 23 years in a prison in Bologna. e la guerra del 1848-1849. The Kingdom of Sardinia took part in the Crimean War, allied with the Ottoman Empire, Britain, and France, and fighting against Russia. Lombardy, in the west, the Neapolitans and the papal forces in the south, and the troops of the recently III serie: 1848-1860. Select Your Cookie Preferences. In 1420, after the Sardinian–Aragonese war, the last competing claim to the island was bought out. magFlags XL Flag Kingdom of Sardinia 1848 | Regno di Sardegna nel periodo 1816-1848 | Sa Rennu de Sardigna, 1816-1848 | Landscape Flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft - 100% Made in G: Lawn & Garden This situation lasted until 1409 when the army of the Judicate of Arborea suffered a heavy defeat by the Aragonese army in the Battle of Sanluri. The state took the official title of Kingdom of Sardinia, Cyprus and Jerusalem, as the house of Savoy still claimed the thrones of Cyprus and Jerusalem, although both had long been under Ottoman rule. The revolution in Milan and By the time of the Crimean War in 1853, the Savoyards had built the kingdom into a strong power. Due to Saracen attacks, in the 9th century Tharros was abandoned in favor of Oristano, after more than 1800 years of occupation; Caralis, Porto Torres and numerous other coastal centres suffered the same fate. By the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, Spain's European empire was divided: Savoy received Sicily and parts of the Duchy of Milan, while Charles VI (the Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria), received the Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples, Sardinia, and the bulk of the Duchy of Milan. Invested with the title from his father, Emperor Frederick II in 1239, he was soon recalled by his parent and appointed Imperial Vicar for Italy. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. Con il nome di "Regno di Sardegna" si indica: il regno di Sardegna vero e proprio, costituto dall'intera isola, e tenuto nei secoli da varie dinastie, come gli Aragonesi e gli Asburgo. The Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica (later, just the "Kingdom of Sardinia" from 1460[25]) was a state whose king was the King of Aragon, who started to conquer it in 1324, gained full control in 1410, and directly ruled it until 1460. and France who were determined to preserve Piedmont as a buffer between France and Austria. Redazione; 4 Marzo 2020; Ultime News. In 1420, Alfonso V of Aragon, king of Sicily and heir to Aragon, bought the remaining territories for 100,000 gold florins of the Judicate of Arborea in the 1420 from the last Judge William III of Narbonne and the "Kingdom of Sardinia" extended throughout the island, except for the city of Castelsardo (at that time called Casteldoria or Castelgenovese) that was stolen from the Doria in 1448, and renamed Castillo Aragonés (Aragonese Castle). moved the state toward free trade and his ministers concluded twenty-six navigation and commercial ( on October 26, 2004. – Oberti Cancellarii, Annales p 71, Georg Heinrich (a cura di) MGH, Scriptores, Hannoverae, 1863, XVIII, pp. The Sardinian church had never been under the control of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; it was an autonomous province loyal to Rome and belonging to the Latin Church, but during the Byzantine period became influenced by Byzantine liturgy and culture. Their predictions materialized, for within On 6 December 1798 Joubert occupied Turin and forced Charles Emmanuel IVto abdicate and leave for the island of Sardinia. "1017. Ortu Gian Giacomo, La Sardegna dei Giudici, Il Maestrale, Nuoro, 2005, Paulis Giulio, Lingua e cultura nella Sardegna bizantina: testimonianze linguistiche dell'influsso greco, Sassari, L'Asfodelo, 1983, Spanu Luigi, Cagliari nel seicento, Edizioni Castello, Cagliari, 1999, Zedda Corrado – Pinna Raimondo, La nascita dei Giudicati. : In-8° gr. Tel: +39 010 247 3530. Because of this, the Savoyards modified their flag for use as a naval ensign in various ways, adding the letters FERT in the four cantons, or adding a blue border, or using a blue flag with the Savoy cross in one canton. Manconi Francesco, La Sardegna al tempo degli Asburgo, Il Maestrale, Nuoro, 2010. This flag became the flag of the Kingdom of Italy, and the tricolor without the Savoyard escutcheon remains the flag of Italy. ", AAVV. The Piedmontese Cesare Balbo disagreed, and in his Dodd, Mead and Co., 1969. 14:04 ... Ep8. Volume 17:40 . Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Date: 1816-1848: Source: Own work. Le relazioni diplomatiche fra l'Austria e il Regno di Sardegna: 1830-1848: v. 1. that Italy regain its national greatness under the leadership of the pope and the military support of the Piedmontese forces were routed by General Radetzky,s army at Novara, and Charles Albert asked the When the Mainland domains of the House of Savoy were occupied and eventually annexed by Napoleonic France, the king of Sardinia temporarily resided on the island for the first time in Sardinia's history under Savoyard rule. Beginning in 1324, James and his successors conquered the island of Sardinia and established de facto their de jure authority. In 1792, the Kingdom of Sardinia and the other states of the Savoy Crown joined the First Coalition against the French First Republic, but was beaten in 1796 by Napoleon and forced to conclude the disadvantageous Treaty of Paris (1796), giving the French army free passage through Piedmont. There followed the annexation of Lombardy (1859), the central Italian states and the Two Sicilies (1860), Venetia (1866), and the Papal States (1870). (a cura di F. Manconi), La società sarda in età spagnola, Cagliari, Consiglio Regionale della Sardegna, 2 voll., 1992-3. In 1852, a liberal ministry under Count Camillo Benso di Cavour was installed and the Kingdom of Sardinia became the engine driving Italian unification. During the War of the Quadruple Alliance, Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy and Prince of Piedmont (and now King of Sicily too), had to agree to yield Sicily to the Austrian Habsburgs and receive Sardinia in exchange. n°12, 2007, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell'Università di Sassari, F. Pinna, Le testimonianze archeologiche relative ai rapporti tra gli Arabi e la Sardegna nel medioevo, in Rivista dell'Istituto di storia dell'Europa mediterranea, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, n°4, 2010, Archeological museum of Cagliari, from Santa Sofia church in Villasor, "Antiquitas nostra primum Calarense iudicatum, quod tunc erat caput tocius Sardinie, armis subiugavit, et regem Sardinie Musaitum nomine civitati Ianue captum adduxerunt, quem per episcopum qui tunc Ianue erat, aule sacri palatii in Alamanniam mandaverunt, intimantes regnum illius nuper esse additum ditioni Romani imperii." When a successful revolution in Naples early in January 1848 constrained Ferdinand II to grant a I federali : volevano creare una federazione di stati seguendo il modello degli Stati Uniti d’Europa. 87 - Ag gr. By 1815 this kingdom of three and The island of Sardinia stayed out of the reach of the French for the rest of the war. The Savoyards united it with their historical possessions on the Italian mainland, and the Kingdom came to be progressively identified with the Mainland states, which included, besides Savoy and Aosta, dynastic possessions like the Principality of Piedmont and the County of Nice (over both of which the Savoyards had been exercising their control since the 13th century and 1388, respectively). Mastino Attilio, Storia della Sardegna Antica, Il Maestrale, Nuoro, 2005, Meloni Piero, La Sardegna Romana, Chiarella, Sassari, 1980, Motzo Bachisio Raimondo, Studi sui bizantini in Sardegna e sull'agiografia sarda, Deputazione di Storia Patria della Sardegna, Cagliari, 1987. This posed the problem that the same flag was already in use by the Knights of Malta. Pensieri e azionidel Risorgimento italiano/1 1830 - 1849 2. ruler of Italians and spiritual head of the church. Le relazioni diplomatiche fra L'Austria e il Regno di Sardegna Cavour promised that the Piedmontese would learn from the experience and 337, bross. In 1767–1769, Charles Emmanuel III annexed the Maddalena archipelago in the Strait of Bonifacio from the Republic of Genoa and claimed it as part of Corsica. Series Graeca CXII, Paris 1857, R. CORONEO, Scultura mediobizantina in Sardegna, Nuoro, Poliedro, 2000, Roberto Coroneo, Arte in Sardegna dal IV alla metà dell'XI secolo, edizioni AV, Cagliari 2011, Barisone Doria: "La senyoria no la tenim ne havem haùda ne del rey ne da regina, e no som tenguts a rey ne a regina axi com eren los dits harons de Sicilia, abans de la dita senyoria e domini obtenim per Madonna Elionor, nostra muller, che és jutgessa d'Arborea e filla e succehidora per son pare per lo jutgat d'Arborea, la qual Casa d'Arborea ha D anys que ha hauda senyioria en la present illa" "We had our lordship not from any king or queen and have not to be loyal to any king or queen as sicilian Barons, because we had our lordship from Madonna Elionor, our wife, who is Lady Judge (, G. Seche, L'incoronazione di Barisone "Re di Sardegna" in due fonti contemporanee: gli Annales genovesi e gli Annales pisani, in Rivista dell'Istituto di storia dell'Europa mediterranea, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, n°4, 2010, Dino Punchu (a cura di), I Libri Iurium della Repubblica de Genova, Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Roma, 1996, n°390, pag.334, Geronimo Zurita, Los cinco libros postreros de la segunda parte de los Anales de la Corona d'Aragon, Oficino de Domingo de Portonaris y Ursono, Zaragoza, 1629, libro XVII, pag. The Kingdom was governed in the king's name by a Viceroy. R AR q.SPL Closed at: 2020-04-18 09:00:00 Rome Time Login to see auctions results Watch this lot Print Sylloge App Email: Pisani vero et Ianuenses reversi sunt Turrim, in quo insurrexerunt Ianuenses in Pisanos, et Pisani vicerunt illos et eiecerunt eos de Sardinea. Its monarchs were ambitious, Italy in the Age of the Risorgimento, 1790-1870. The Italian euphoria ended as divisions, defections and disappointment ensued. La politica degli stati italiani durante il that led to the creation of the Kingdom of Italy. Jemolo, Arturo Carlo, 1891-1981. 1814 and the Congress of Vienna, it was enlarged by absorbing Genoa. Code: W1742. COSTITUZIONE ITALIANA. The Kingdom was a member of the Council of Aragon and initially consisted of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, sovereignty over both of which was claimed by the Papacy, which granted them as a fief, the regnum Sardiniae et Corsicae ("kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica"), to King James II of Aragon in 1297. In 1816, after regaining their mainland domains, the scudo was replaced by the Sardinian lira, which in 1821 also replaced the Sardinian scudo, the coins that had been in use on the island throughout the period. His position was supported by two fellow Piedmontese, Massimo D'Azeglio Victor Amadeus initially resisted the exchange, and until 1723 continued to style himself King of Sicily rather than King of Sardinia. Piedmont became the most dominant and wealthiest region in Italy and the capital of Piedmont, Turin, remained the Italian capital until 1865, when the capital was moved to Florence. Coroneo Roberto, Scultura mediobizantina in Sardegna, Nuoro, Poliedro, 2000, Gallinari Luciano, Il Giudicato di Cagliari tra XI e XIII secolo. a half million people was both a maritime and Italian power. This was an inducement to join in the effort to restore Sicily, then under the rule of James's brother Frederick III of Sicily, to the Angevin dynasty over the oppositions of the Sicilians. In 1368 an Arborean offensive succeeded in nearly driving the Aragonese from the island, reducing the "Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica" to just the port cities of Cagliari and Alghero and incorporating everything else into their own kingdom. [21], The realm was divided into four small kingdoms, the Judicates, perfectly organized as was the previous realm, but was now under the influence of the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire. 07 Oct . he would commit his life, his children's life, his treasury, and his army to the Italian cause. (5 agosto 1830-28 giugno 1833) Narciso Nada. Et tunc Pisani et Ianuenses illuc venere, et ille propter pavorem eorum fugit in Africam. Under the leadership of the House of Savoy and its ministers, Piedmont-Sardinia played a key role in This was confirmed by the Congress of Vienna, which returned the region of Savoy to its borders after it had been annexed by France in 1792. In 1843 the Piedmontese priest Vincenzo Gioberti, who had fled an Data: 3 avril 2010: Sorgiss: ... Regno di Sardegna (1720-1861) exercising a greater degree of independence than any other Italian rulers, and their influence extended The island was not the personal property of the ruler and of his family, as was then the dominant practice in western Europe, but rather a separate entity and during the Byzantine Empire, a monarchical republic, as it had been since Roman times. reinforcements, assumed the offensive and on July 25, the Piedmontese were defeated at Custozza. 4671 of the Sardinian Parliament proclaimed the Kingdom of Italy, so ratifying the annexations of all other Apennine states, plus Sicily, to the Kingdom of Sardinia. Le uniformi sotto Carlo Alberto (1831-1848) 26 Aug . Cavour angrily resigned from office when it became clear that Victor Emmanuel would accept this arrangement. The subduing of Sardinia having taken a century, Corsica, which had never been wrestled from the Genoese, was dropped from the formal title of the Kingdom. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use … The name of the state was originally Latin: Christopher Storrs, "Savoyard Diplomacy in the Eighteenth Century (1684–1798)", in Daniela Frigo (ed. Disturbed by the disastrous campaign, and convinced that General Radetzky harbored The Crown of Aragon was made by a council of representatives of the various states and grew in importance for the main purpose of separating the legacy of Ferdinand II of Aragon from that of Isabella I of Castile when they married in 1469. Starting from 705–706, Saracens from north Africa (recently conquered by Arab armies) harassed the population of the coastal cities. A short period of uprisings occurred under the local noble Leonardo Alagon, marquess of Oristano, who defended his territories against the Viceroy Nicolò Carroz and managed to defeat the viceroy's army in the 1470s, but was later crushed at the Battle of Macomer in 1478, ending any further revolts in the island. Lot 1002. Ghisalberti, Carlo. Wambaugh, Sarah & Scott, James Brown (1920), Patria del Friuli (Patriarchate of Aquileia), Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states, Museum of the Risorgimento (Castelfidardo),, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Sardinian-language text, Articles containing Piedmontese-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles lacking in-text citations from May 2020, Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Articles with Catalan-language sources (ca), Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles with Sardinian-language sources (sc), Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Articles with French-language sources (fr), Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2015, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Antonicelli, Aldo. Il reggimento cavalleggeri di Sardegna 1833-1853. Corsica, which had never been conquered, was dropped from the formal title and Sardinia passed with the Crown of Aragon to a united Spain. Many of the volunteers drifted away as the struggle that lasted ten years at most. This item is available to borrow from 1 library branch. Following the election of Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti as Pius IX in 1846, the neo-Guelph dream seemed to Le Relazioni Diplomatiche: Fra La Gran Bretagna E Il Regno Di Sardegna, III Serie, 1848-1860. : magFlags Large Flag Kingdom of Sardinia 1848 | Regno di Sardegna nel periodo 1816-1848 | Sa Rennu de Sardigna, 1816-1848 | Landscape Flag | 1.35m² | 14.5sqft | 90x150cm | 3x5ft - 100% Made : Outdoor Flags : Garden & Outdoor ... transactions which drew gain and great benefits", Constantini Porphyrogeneti De caerimoniis aulae Byzantinae, in Patrologia cursus completus. Monti, Antonio. The currency in use in Savoy was the Piedmontese scudo. materialize. He quickly toppled the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which was the largest of the states in the region, stretching from Abruzzo and Naples on the mainland to Messina and Palermo on Sicily. On 6 December 1798 Joubert occupied Turin and forced Charles Emmanuel IV to abdicate and leave for the island of Sardinia. [Nello Rosselli; Paolo Treves] and Alessandria in 1849. General Radetzky, who received Three days later We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use … a profound hatred for him, Charles Albert abdicated in favor of his son Victor Emanuel, going to his exile and death. This region, named Allobrigia and later "Sapaudia" in Latin, was integrated to the Roman Empire. The political situation in Sardinia after 1324 when the Aragonese conquered the Pisan territories of Sardinia, which included the defunct Judicate of Cagliari and Gallura. "The Reason of the Elites: Constitutional Moderatism in the Kingdom of Sardinia, 1849–1861." After the Great Schism, Rome made many efforts to restore Latinity to the Sardinian church, politics and society, and to finally reunify the island under one Catholic ruler, as it had been for all of southern Italy, when the Byzantines had been driven away by Catholic Normans.

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